When Dj’s mum told me it was time for his first birthday cake smash I was excited to hear he had to have a grinch theme. I have been working with this gorgeous family for a year now. I had done Mum’s maternity shoot, Dj’s newborn shoot, sitter shoot and first Christmas shoot.
I was wracking my brain trying to think of a setup. I knew It had to be green so ordered my usual cake from the Cup Cake Queens in green if course! I got some green balloons and knew I had some Christmas props from my yearly Christmas setup, as well as Mum bringing along every grinch thing that Dj owned.
I was just going to use an all white backdrop until the morning of the shoot I remembered I had a parcel sitting at the post office waiting to be collected and in it was my new Christmas backdrop for this years Christmas minis. It’s the perfect backdrop for a grinch theme! Not too Christmasy but just enough.
Now a few months back when we did Dj’s sitter shoot he didn’t love it. He wasn’t overlally smiley so I was wondering if he’d be the same.
We placed him down in front of the cake and waited to see what he’d do (what I really hope for here is that lean in for a huge bite) We didn’t get that but we got AMAZING shots. Dj was full of smiles and loved eating the cake. We moved through the shoot with lots of fun and eventually finished off with a warm bubble bath.
The images say it all. Take a look and let me know what you think in the comments.
Em x