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It goes without saying that technology is taking over. It’s in our homes, our pockets, in front of our eyes and, most worryingly, in our children’s hands. 

Whilst every family is different and each parent will have their own ideas and guidelines when it comes to “normal” internet usage, there are plenty of ways to be proactive in encouraging your child to be safe and responsible when accessing the web. If you’re feeling a little nervous about your children being online, have a read through these tips to help you along the way.

Be Firm and Clear with Usage Guidelines
It’s important to set the ground rules early when it comes to the ways in which your youngsters can use their computers, phones and tablets. Being clear with these guidelines from the beginning not only makes it easier to reinforce them, but it’s also a smart way to build healthy habits within the home. Consider the following points:

When are your children able to use their devices?
When do their devices need to be turned off/put away?
How long are they able to use their devices for in one sitting?
Are there consequences for not following these guidelines?

Consider a Digital Device “Contract”
Mobile phone “contracts” were popular with parents a few years back and they are still a smart way to go now. Use this contract to clearly outline your digital device usage guidelines, and print them in an agreement that both you and your children can sign. This approach may be a little too formal for many people’s tastes, but it removes the “grey” areas around expectations that children are more likely to challenge.  Feel free to get creative!

An example of a point that could go into your contract could be something like this:

“I will never give out personal information online, including my address, telephone number or full name without my parents’ permission.”

Be Open About Respectful Relationships, Pornography and Safety
While it may not always be comfortable to do so, it’s extremely important to talk to your child about how to stay safe online, how to show respectful behaviour and to be aware of the implications of pornography. While each of these topics are a separate issue, negative or inappropriate digital exposure can cause significant issues with the growth and development of young people, particularly when it comes to the quality of their relationships and mental wellbeing. 

Taking a calm, honest and educational approach is by far the best way to tackle these topics. Your kids will one day be thankful that you did!

Keep Digital Devices Out of the Bedroom
If there is one rule to be firm with, it’s this one. Many young people are struggling with sleep deprivation as it is, let alone without bringing a shiny, bright device into the mix. Where possible, charge devices in the kitchen/living area, rather than bedrooms. Your child may wish to use their device as an alarm in the morning, though this increases the chances of them scrolling away before bed and staying up too late. Encourage them to take a step back into the 00’s and use a regular alarm clock instead.

Aim for a Digital Detox at Least Once a Week
A digital detox is necessary from time to time. Yep, for all of us. The only way you will convince your kids to be on board with this idea is to set a good example. Don’t let them catch you scrolling on your own phone! Sure, they probably won’t like it, but the point is to prove to them that they can live without their digital device, and can focus on different forms of communication and entertainment. 

You might like to trial this on a weekend, since most families aim for “bonding time” at the end of the week anyway. Remind your kids that their friends will still be there to talk to at school on Monday, and that they are more than welcome to watch the 6pm News with you to make sure they’re up to date with all of the important things 😉  

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