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Top 5 Tips and Tricks to Help your Newborn Settle and Sleep

Baby with sleepy hat on.

Newborn Sleep. Ejm Photography – Melbourne newborn photographer

Look, there’s no denying that newborns are not easy. Babies are hard work at the best of time and there’s absolutely no shame in admitting that. To start off with, you’re speechless and in total awe and admiration of this tiny little being that you’ve created… The next minute, you’re gritting your teeth and crying out for help because you’re beyond exhausted and can’t get your baby to settle and sleep.

Mama’s, we’ve all been there.

It’s tough and it’s completely tiresome. With that said, it’s important to remind yourself that this stage isn’t forever. Nobody can live off pure caffeine and 3 minute (at most) power naps forever, which is why I recommend you take a peek at my Top 5 Tips and Tricks to help your baby fall asleep as quick as possible. When baby sleeps, you get to sleep. It’s a win-win for everyone involved!

1. Consistency is Key
When it comes to settling bub into a regular sleep routine, it’s important to be consistent. Whether it’s a pre-sleep bath, cuddle, feed or lullaby, stick to the same patterns and actions as much as possible. Your baby will learn to associate these actions with sleep and will be more likely to drift off feeling settled and comfortable. 

2. Create Comfortable Conditions
Just like adults, babies find it easier to fall asleep when they feel comfortable and safe. Research has shown that creating restful conditions in your newborn’s room will increase their likelihood of a successful sleep by a whopping 80%. To get started, try to keep your baby’s room light and noise-filled throughout the day, while making things darker and quiet at night. This will help your baby to learn the difference between napping conditions and sleeping conditions. At nighttime, you can also try things such black-out curtains, aromatherapy diffusers and creating a cool (not cold) temperature and airflow. 

3. Try White Noise
Babies love white noise. I don’t understand why, since most adults tend to think it’s quite possibly the most irritating sound in existence, but most babies just seem to love white noise. Some scientists believe that this sound mimics the environment of the womb, while others believe that white noise is effective in helping babies to sleep as it blocks out all other types of simulation. Whatever the case may be, white noise works. The easiest way to create white noise is to download a white noise app to your smartphone/tablet/computer, though you can also delve into more of a DIY approach by setting an old alarm clock or stereo to static. 

In my newborn shoots I use a baby shusher – The best machine invented! 

You can find one here

4. Keep it Simple
Got a tissue? You’ve got a hack. Once bub is clean, fed, wrapped up and ready for bed, grab a tissue and run it slowly from the top of their head, down to the edge of their chin. This simple movement is one of the easiest ways to help a baby close their eyes. The soft texture of the tissue helps bub to become even more settled and drowsy, and they’re likely to drift off to sleep before you know it. You can even just use a light touch with your finger. So simple!

5. Encourage MORE Sleep
If your baby is not resting enough during the day or having a suitable amount of structured naps, they’re at risk of creating what is called a “sleep debt”. This occurs when a baby goes an extended period of time without getting the recommended amount of quality sleep, which eventually leads to sleep deprivation. When babies experience sleep deprivation, their cortisol hormone levels increase, which actually make them more hyperactive and energetic – Which worsens their sleep cycle even more. In order to avoid this “sleep debt”, make sure your baby is resting and napping enough during the day – This means you get to rest, too! 


Good luck and just remember it doesn’t last for ever! 🙂

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Comments (6)

Love these tips!! Especially the tissue trick! Great advice for getting babies to sleep-thanks for sharing!

Beautiful photography, great job!

Great tips! Thank you for sharing.

I always commend the photographers who photograph newborns and toddlers. Great session and great job!

What wonderful tips that all parents will appreciate!

great tips that every new parent should read!

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