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Useful gifts for new Mums!

Finding the perfect present for a new Mum can be a daunting task, but don’t fear! There are plenty of unique, helpful gifts out there that will guarantee to put a smile on her face. As a Mum of three myself, I have a pretty good understanding of what is most helpful when you’ve just brought a new bub home – and it may not always be what you think! Let’s face it, all new mothers receive baby clothes and swaddles galore. Totally cute, but if you’re looking for something a little more practical, here are some ideas that every Mum will truly appreciate.

1. Thermometer
Mums panic – It’s just what they do. With a new baby in the mix, you can imagine why every cough, sniffle and cry is a cause for deeper concern. When you’re learning the ropes of motherhood, there is nothing more assuring than actually knowing if your child has that dreaded fever or not. I would suggest a no touch, forehead thermometer that scans baby’s temperature without having to wrestle a stick into their ear or below their tongue. A much more comfortable experience for both you and bub!

2. Formula travel container
Let’s be realistic here. Parents pack WAY too much stuff with a new baby as it is. We need all the space we can get in our multitude of bags, backpacks and suitcases, and our minimal space to begin with won’t account for a giant formula tin. Grab yourself a small travel container (for a few dollars from any retail store) to pack a couple servings of formula in case of an emergency. No weight, no mess and no fuss.

3. Car mirror for rear facing baby

It’s scary enough driving a tiny little baby around, let alone when you can’t actually see them because they’re facing the back seat. I can’t tell you how many times I hastily wedged my hand into a baby seat at traffic lights just to reassure myself that bub was still breathing. Sticking a cheap mirror to the seat will bring you more peace of mind than you can ever imagine. Check out my personal pick here:

4. Bibs! 

If every person who bought me a gift as a new Mum gave me a bib, I still wouldn’t have had enough. We can all pretend that we can survive on a 6 pack of bibs with a steady rotation cycle on the washing machine, but you will barely have time to wash your face as a new Mum – let alone anything else. It’s easier to grab a new bib from the drawer than to hunt for a semi-clean one when bub is needing to feed, so save Mum the hassle. Considering they’re so cheap and always available in bulk packs, help Mum out by making sure she’s never short on bibs.

5. Nappies

Not exactly a unique, ground-breaking gift – but super practical. Babies need nappies – Always. It’s not a questionable necessity and it’s so much easier to be over prepared with supplies than panicking if your diminishing stockpile will last until your next trip to the shops. Besides, no new Mum wants to juggle a newborn in one hand and an awkwardly sized cardboard box in the other.

6. Meals
Even if it’s frozen, there’s something so comforting about a home-cooked meal (not from the McCain section of Coles) when you’re settling into home with a new baby. New mothers have a million things on their mind, and brainstorming ideas of what to cook, how to cook it, when to shop for it and when to find the time to clean up afterwards? Nope. Not on her list of priorities. It takes such little effort to whip up a few dinners and throw them in Tupperware, but a new Mum will be SO appreciative of such a small gesture.

7. Cleaner

You may not have your own cleaner, but trust me, be selfless here and help a new Mum out for the first few weeks by organising a fortnightly cleaner to take care of the basics – She will LOVE you for it. Having someone to take care of the fundamentals such as the kitchen, bathroom, carpets and tiles will make a huge difference to Mum’s sanity and wellbeing. Everyone loves a clean house!

8. Newborn Photographer

This isn’t necessarily something that will be a priority for new parents, though I can guarantee they will thank you later when they have beautiful, timeless images to keep for life. Newborn shoots are typically taken before baby is 12 days old. Finding the time to organise a newborn session may seem a little stressful, but save the hassle by gifting a photography voucher and pre-scheduling the shoot a few weeks in advance.

9. Baby Shusher
Not as terrifying as it sounds, a baby shusher is essentially a small machine that distributes white noise that helps babies to relax and settle. The white noise mimics bub’s experience of being in the womb and brings back a sense of comfort and familiarity. These sounds, which may initially seem harsh, are actually very calming to a baby. Both bub and Mum need all the sleep they can get, and this little device is one way to speed up the process. Grab one here:

10. Practical Parenting Magazine subscription
Trust me, a glimpse of a magazine is a distinctive luxury for a new Mum – even if it’s filled with endless baby information. Practical Parenting is the leading pregnancy magazine in Australia, introducing women to motherhood and offering insightful advice and support on all things related to children. Purchase a 6/12 month subscription for Mum online, ease her worries and provide her with a simple pick-me-up to pass the time that she feels she is quickly running out of.

And lastly…

11. Comfort Hamper

A comfort hamper is like Christmas, Easter, New Years and every birthday prior to 25 combined for a new Mum. Whether it’s filled with nappy creams, lotions, shampoo, socks, hand sanitisers, Panadol, nail clippers, nappies (yes, more!), dummies or washcloths, a Mum can never have too many of these small necessities. Having the ability to reach into one glorious pile of resources is like winning the lotto for a Mum with a bub, and she’ll be sure to thank you for it when she finally remembers your name again (just kidding).

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Comments (17)

Thanks for sharing these great ideas! So useful!

Great ideas! I agree most with the diapers! It’s my go-to gift for anyone having a baby. Diapers were the best gift with both of my boys; I had a floor to ceiling stack of boxes in the closet and it was so comforting knowing we always had enough.

Thank you for inspiration! It’s very useful article ?

Suck great ideas.

Wow your blog couldn’t come at a better time, as I been thinking of what to buy for a friend that will be useful but different to what other people might think of when Bub comes along 🙂 thanks ?

Another great article by a great person. Keep up the good work 🙂

Very practical and helpful ideas! I especially love the cleaner and mirror. Thanks ?

These are all great ideas. I love the care mirror idea and, of course, newborn photographer!! ?

These are really great ideas for moms. Thank you for sharing.

Great ideas and all useful for a new mom! 🙂

What a fantastic post. It’s always nice to see blog posts wth advice and not just images of clients. This will definitely keep me reading.

Great advice, great blog!

Great ideas!! Off shopping I go!!

So many great ideas for new moms! I love it! The most useful thing I received when I was a new mom, was a clip for my keys. It was so great to not have to dig for my keys, because I could always just clip them to my bag. Anything to make mom’s life easier!

Emma - Ejm Photography

ahh love this one! I could use this now hehe

Great tips, especially the professional photographer. 😉

Such a useful post for new mums-to-be!

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